Aesthetic Treatments For The Over 40s

Non-surgical Facelifts For The Over 40s' at Azra Aesthetic Clinics, Harley Street London & Southampton 

Wrinkle and anti-ageing treatments are a great way to minimise the appearance of early (or more advanced) signs of ageing. Our most effective aesthetic treatments for the over 40s include non-surgical facial contouring, wrinkle smoothing/ relaxing treatment, and hyaluronic acid fillers to give a more youthful appearance & restore lost volume/hydration. We may recommend one or more of these treatments to ensure optimum results.

Non surgical facelifts are becoming increasingly popular as it's a less invasive, non surgical option that helps reverse signs of ageing compared to the traditional surgical facelift which has a greater down time. It's the ideal choice when you want to achieve a brighter, fresher look without looking like you have had any work done! Doctor Asalet Yener is an expert in her field and combines her cosmetic expertise and clinical experience to help her patients achieve the highest quality aesthetic outcomes.

She will work with your whole face rather than focus on just one area so that the results are more even and balanced resulting in a harmonised facial appearance that looks VERY natural. Treatments are always tailored to the individual so it's always best to book in for a full consultation to plan your treatment. 

face lift treatments near me


Central London

Harley Street

Aethetic Specialist, Harley Street London & Southampton at Azra Aesthetics Clinics
Tear Trough Treatment Specialist, Harley Street London & Southampton at Azra Aesthetics Clinics

How Do Anti Wrinkle Treatments Work?

As we age our skin naturally starts to lose elasticity. As a result, the skin covering the face and neck may start to droop causing skin folds, hanging jowls and wrinkles.

Anti-wrinkle treatments work on the muscles that they are applied to whilst leaving the surrounding muscles unaffected. This means that you may see a reversal of the ageing process in the treated areas, whilst the rest of your face is still able to move naturally. 

✓Achieve plump, high cheeks

✓Reduce marionette lines

✓the lip area - to reduce a 'gummy smile'

✓the forehead - to reduce frown lines

✓the brow area - to lift the brows

✓the eye area - to lessen crow's feet

Remove Forehead Wrinkles

Concerned about the wrinkles or deep furrows on your forehead? We offer Anti-wrinkle consultations and will suggest an effective treatment for you.  Anti wrinkle treatments can help lines become softer and less prominent over time if you continue having injections every few months.  

Improve Lines Around The Mouth

Treatments have to be carried out bespoke. Techniques must be altered and tailored to suit each indiviudal patient depending on the outcome they desire. Treatments for sagging jowels & smile lines help to create a more youtful look. A small amount of filler can be used to help support the tissue and camouflage the jowling appearance. Lip fillers in Central London & Southampton's Azra Aesthetics Clinics are another great procedure to contour the face and add definiation. 


Anti-Wrinkle Treatments at Top Clinics in Marylebone, Central London & Southampton
Lip Filler Specialist, Harley Street London & Southampton at Azra Aesthetics Clinics

Your Aesthetics Consultation at Azra Aesthetic Clinics in Central London & Southampton

If you’re worried about what to expect during your treatment, please try not to. Our consultation service is designed to help you have any of your burning questions answered.

Perhaps you’d like to know more about anti ageing treatments to get rid of frown lines and fine wrinkles, or maybe you’d simply like to understand how long your procedure will take and how long the results last. Doctor Asalet will gladly answer any concerns or questions you may have.

  • Royal Mail House, Admiral Suite, Terminus Terrace. Southampton SO14 3FD. Telephone: 07412 619823
  • 10 Harley Street, London W1G 9PF. Telephone: 07412 619823

(Consultation fee: £30 for Southampton, £50 for London)